Viney, K., Bissell, K., Tabutoa, K., Kienene, T., Linh, N. N., Briand, K. and Harries, A. D. (2012) Sputum smear examination and time to diagnosis in patients with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in the Pacific. Public Health Action, 2 (4). pp. 133-137. ISSN 22208372
Setting: National tuberculosis programmes (NTPs) in Kiribati and the Marshall Islands, 2006–2010.
Objective: To determine the proportion of all tuberculosis (TB) cases that were pulmonary smear-negative, and for these patients to determine how many sputum smears were examined and the time from sputum smear examination to registration.
Design: A retrospective cross-sectional study involving a record review of national TB and laboratory registers.
Results: Of 2420 TB cases identified, 709 (29%) were registered as smear-negative pulmonary TB. Of the 695 (98%) with information on smear examination, 222 (32%) had no smear recorded, 61 (9%) had one smear, 86 (12%) two smears and 326 (47%) three smears. Among the 473 patients who had at least one smear, 238 (50%) were registered before sputum examination, 131 (28%) within 1 week, 72 (15%) between 1 and 4 weeks, and 34 (7%) >4 weeks after sputum examination.
Conclusion: NTPs in Kiribati and the Marshall Islands are diagnosing 29% of all TB patients as smear-negative pulmonary TB. Many patients do not have smears done or are registered before undergoing smear examination.Corrective measures are needed.
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